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Healthy Eating Rx: Improving Nutrition Through Health Care

Bipartisan policy recommendations for 1. Training health care professionals and educating patients and the public on nutrition; and 2. engaging health care professionals in interventions intended to lead to the consumption of healthy food.

Food Policy: From Farm Bill to Health Care | Part 2: Creating an Equitable, Nutritious, Sustainable, and Resilient Food System

Food policymaking occupies the nexus between agriculture and health care policy by determining the affordability, accessibility, and availability of nutritious food within communities. Rooting food systems in equity and whole-person health care protects the lives of historically excluded communities and people facing barriers to care. Policy experts in agriculture, food retail, and nutrition will discuss the needs of these communities and the potential opportunities to support long-term legislative changes that ensure proper health care delivery for all.

A New Collaboration to Improve Nutrition Information

Google’s collaboration with the Food is Medicine Institute at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University will work to explore technology solutions that help improve nutrition information quality.

Rubio, Booker Introduce Snap Nutrition Security Act

U.S. Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Cory Booker (D-NJ) introduced the SNAP Nutrition Security Act to help improve SNAP recipients’ diet quality and collect data on SNAP purchases to identify what products taxpayer dollars are being spent on.

Is It Time To Rethink Our Approach On Nutrition | The Proof Shorts

The history and evolution of the food pyramid and question whether it’s time to re-evaluate our approach to nutrition. Join us as we explore the potential shortcomings of the traditional food pyramid and consider alternative ways to approach a healthy diet.

Live: Senate Hearing on Food as Medicine

U.S. Senator Cory Booker (D-N.J.), Chair of the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Food and Nutrition, Specialty Crops, Organics, and Research, led a hearing titled “Food as Medicine: Current Efforts and Potential Opportunities”.

Our National Food Crisis: How to Fix Food for Health & Equity | TEDx

Dr. Mozaffarian addresses the fact that we face a national nutrition crisis. The food we eat is the leading cause of poor health, and preventable healthcare spending in the United States, and a major driver of health disparities. It’s time for a coordinated strategy to reshape the way we incentivize, support, and drive innovation in our food system to leverage the full power of nutrition to improve health, advance equity, and reduce healthcare spending.

SNAP plus

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) protects tens of millions of Americans from hunger. But there are ways in which the program could deliver more value to participants and the nation by encouraging healthier food choices. Dariush Mozaffarian discusses new research into potential changes to SNAP that could contribute to participants’ improved health and reduce long-term healthcare costs.