Healthy Baby, Healthy Mom Produce Rx Trial

Healthy Baby, Healthy Mom Produce Rx Trial: A Food is Medicine Intervention Among Pregnant Women Overview Pregnancy is a critical period during which nutrition plays an important role for maternal and birth outcomes. Over the past three decades, the prevalence of...

Medically Tailored Meal (MTM) Interventions

Medically Tailored Meal (MTM) Interventions: Impact of Medically Tailored Meals on Obesity, Other Health Outcomes, and Healthcare Utilization under Medicaid Flexible Services Overview Medically tailored meal (MTM) interventions are of rapidly growing interest to...

Accelerating Food is Medicine

Accelerating Food is Medicine: Accelerating the growing attention, enthusiasm, and evidence surrounding FIM interventions in the U.S. Overview Every day in the U.S., our food system contributes more than 1,000 deaths and $3 billion in preventable healthcare spending...