Community Pharmacies for Food is Medicine (CP4FIM)

Community Pharmacy Produce Prescriptions (CP3): Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Produce Prescription Program in Community Pharmacies Overview This project, Community Pharmacy Produce Prescriptions (CP3):  will design, implement, and evaluate a scalable...


Kaiser Permanente Evaluating NutRitional Interventions in food-inseCure High-risk adults (KP ENRICH) Study Overview Diabetes mellitus affects more than 37 million adults in the US, confers a nearly two-fold increased risk of death, and is responsible for approximately...

The Global Dietary Database

The Global Dietary Database Overview Comparable and standardized global data on intakes of foods, beverages, and nutrients relevant to chronic diseases have not traditionally been available across nations or key subnational subgroups, and those that do exist have...