Policy Analysis

Policy Analysis: Cost-Effectiveness of Health System and State-Level Strategies to Improve Diet and Reduce Cardiometabolic Diseases Overview In this project’s previous grant period, we  used national and state microsimulation modeling, cost-effectiveness...

Policy Analysis

Policy Analysis: Cost-Effectiveness of Health System and State-Level Strategies to Improve Diet and Reduce Cardiometabolic Diseases Overview While considerable evidence supports and informs the likely benefits of policy innovations within and outside health systems to...

Nutrition Policy Initiative

Nutrition Policy Initiative Overview Leading up to the 2022 White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health, our coalition—consisting of 26 Task Force members, 26 Strategy Group organizations, and co-led by the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy...

Medically Tailored Meal (MTM) Interventions

Medically Tailored Meal (MTM) Interventions: Impact of Medically Tailored Meals on Obesity, Other Health Outcomes, and Healthcare Utilization under Medicaid Flexible Services Overview Medically tailored meal (MTM) interventions are of rapidly growing interest to...

Accelerating Food is Medicine

Accelerating Food is Medicine: Accelerating the growing attention, enthusiasm, and evidence surrounding FIM interventions in the U.S. Overview Every day in the U.S., our food system contributes more than 1,000 deaths and $3 billion in preventable healthcare spending...